Top Places to Sell Your Products Online

Top Places to Sell Your Products Online

With the advent of globalization and digitization, digital marketing has taken the world by storm. Now people can shop from their comfort of their place without worrying about scurrying through busy traffic and that too at any point of the day. Price range also suits every economic budget and there is less to worry about exchange or even refund. (more…)
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How Google My Business Can help to Dominate on Local SEO

How Google My Business Can help to Dominate on Local SEO

Wondering how come Google My Business can help your website to rank well on search engine? Check out these 08 tips to dominate on Local SEO using business listing. The e-commerce domain has opened new avenues for businesses. With the advent of Search Engine Optimization, it has now become easier for portals to advertise and enhance their visibility in the industry. More so when it comes to getting hold of the target audience. This is the monumental difference between online stores and real stores. The reach is infinite. But the key to tapping on to this avenue is a solid SEO and link-building strategy. (more…)
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5 Tips on how to find the best Web Hosting Service

5 Tips on how to find the best Web Hosting Service

When looking for the Best Web Hosting Services, you should read, see and check these 05 detail from hosting provider to get the best deal in 2018. In today ear, the Web Hosting is the very first aspect of setting up and designing a good website. Its also the part where you need to spend a good deal for keeping your site live on the world wide web. With the massive growth in the number of websites going live every single day, Web Hosting companies have turned into Billion Dollar corporations. The competition to provide affordable and reliable web hosting is intense and a new website owner can feel overwhelmed with the sheer number of pricing packages and hosting plans available. But choosing the best web hosting service for your…
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10 SEO Tips for Small Business Owner DIY

A small size business owner must be aware of basic of search engine optimization (SEO). Follow these 10 tips with free tool to improve your website ranking on Google. If you want to run a successful small business, it is not easy as always because small businesses have limited staff, limited time and it has to manage its business on a limited budget. In these circumstances, promote and run your business in low-cost through online may be a great thing but it is very important to know all about the nuances of the online business. Some simple and effective ways to boost visibility for your business in search results can improve your marketing efforts. (more…)
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2 Best Free Tool for Broken Links Checker – Find Dead Links

Find the 02 best free broken link checker that can easily scan your website and find dead link without any signup. It works for static html sites, wordpress and for all cms based sites. How to Check for Broken Links on a Website using free online tool What exactly is a Broken Link? When a user is visiting your website and chooses to click on a link that should direct them to a specific page, but instead they are treated to a 404 error message - that link is called a broken link. A broken link is also sometimes known as a dead link. A broken link may be created when: Your website is temporarily or permanently disabled The linked webpage may have been deleted The webpage Permalink may have…
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Redirect Web Page Using .htaccess on Permanent Basis

Wanted to redirect your old page to the new page using .htaccess file on permanent basis? Just use given simple code and place it on your server to redirect using 301 and learn its benefits.  Whenever you are making changes to your website, whether it is migrating to a new domain, or moving a page to a new URL, it is very important to create redirects so that visitors don’t get lost in the confusion. Missing links and pages not redirected properly form a very unprofessional image of your business. Redirecting in a systematic manner also aids search engines in properly indexing the content of your website. (more…)
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Computer Courses in Ranchi – Basic to Advance

Popular Computer Courses are available in Ranchi to learn from basic to advance. These courses are evergreen that can help you to grab a job. If you love computer and wanted to build a career in Information Technology filed then these courses can provide a right track. We are working in IT field since 2009, have vast practical experience, worked with more than 300 clients. Therefore we are pretty much sure that our in-depth knowledge can provide you an excellent path to start your IT career. (more…)
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5 advantages for having a website for small business owner

A website is a series of web documents generally under one web domain and available on the internet. A website is a medium that enables a business owner especially a small business owner in many ways. There are several ways available for small business owner to grow their business online. We have listed top 5 advantages of website for small scale business owner in detail. (more…)
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