When looking for the Best Web Hosting Services, you should read, see and check these 05 detail from hosting provider to get the best deal in 2018. In today ear, the Web Hosting is the very first aspect of setting up and designing a good website. Its also the part where you need to spend a good deal for keeping your site live on the world wide web. With the massive growth in the number of websites going live every single day, Web Hosting companies have turned into Billion Dollar corporations. The competition to provide affordable and reliable web hosting is intense and a new website owner can feel overwhelmed with the sheer number of pricing packages and hosting plans available. But choosing the best web hosting service for your website depends on your requirements.
Below are 5 tips that will help you sift through the many different options and pick the best web hosting service for your site:
1) Reviews speak the best
Reviews from customers of a hosting service are always available on various review sites. Just Google ‘Web Hosting Service name reviews” (replace name with the company’s name) and you will be able to read through reviews of each service. Compare the reviews to find the best features, flaws, and advantages of availing each service. But read them carefully since web hosting companies may produce their own fake reviews to up the reputation of the company online so keep an eye out to identify fake reviews.
2) Get in touch with existing customers:
If you already know someone who is an existing customer of a web hosting service or if you meet someone online who is currently hosting their site, get in touch with them and know their experience. Ask them specific questions about affordability, customer care, and other aspects. This is also applicable for free web hosting service provider as well.
3) Web Hosting Downtime History:
There are several ways in which you can view a Hosting provider’s downtime history. http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/ This URL lets you enter the web address of the hosting provider and obtain real website status history about the specific periods when the hosting service was down. There are also troubleshooting tips you can try if the server doesn’t work, along with user comments that may be useful for fixing problems or knowing if the web hosting service is worth paying for.
Here you can also see the real user’s comments:
4) Dedicated Customer Support
Customer Service is top priority when choosing a reliable web hosting because it can get very frustrating if your web hosting/email stops working and you can’t do anything except wait. Check if the Hosting Company you wish to buy from, has 24/7 phone/email/chat support and check user reviews for this as well. Make sure the customer support contact details are available.
Toll Free Number also play an important role. Check whether the company has Toll Free Number that can be connect using Skype. The best web hosting today offer live chat support to fix simple problems as soon as they occur without having to wait on phone lines or for email responses.
5) Pricing
Let’s face it; Web Hosting is expensive. Most companies try to lure customers by offering massive discounts on initial purchase and by offering free products along with your purchase which can be very tempting. But renewal fees are extremely high and frankly not worth the service provided. Check renewal prices and compare between other services to really know how much you will need to spend to keep your website live. Website Owners looking to make an income with their website will find it hard to work on their site if a lot of money is spent on hosting. Know the renewal rates along with the initial fees and calculate how much that will cost you in a year.
The above tips will help you pick out the best web hosting service among the many different available options. They’re the first things you need to consider, especially if you’re new to web hosting since you don’t want to be tricked into purchasing an expensive plan from an average hosting provider and have a slow, unresponsive website.