Free Web Hosting

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Grab the Free Web Hosting in India – We are offering completely free hosting for NGO, Students, Trust and Schools without any Ads. Host your site and get free FTP, MySQL, Email IDs and much more. Hello, We at Kumar Solutions giving away FREE Web Hosting without any Ads to Non-profit Organization, Students, Trust and Schools. Wondering what is web hosting? Let me tell you then, why you need it.

Free Web Hosting Service Provider in India

Why web hosting?

As most of us own a website, it’s a must to know about web hosting. If you are interested in making a website, to make it go live on the world wide web, you need a web host.

No website can be accessed on internet without a web hosting service. So, it is mandatory to have a web host for your website.

What is web hosting?

Web hosting simply means to make a website go live. It makes your website accessible on the world wide web by providing storage space on server and also ensuring data connectivity.

Many companies take up this business of providing space for websites on server. With web hosting, it is ensured that your website is accessible all the time. For that, a strong data connectivity is provided so that, whenever an user tries to search for your website, it shows and the user can access it.

Paid and Free Hosting Services

It’s quite obvious that for any service, you ought to pay a service charge. Hence, a lot of companies provide the service of web hosting but it’s a paid service. However many companies provide web hosting for free. Yes! It doesn’t cost you anything.

You might be curious to know how can it be free! A company won’t give you any service charitably unless their intent is charity. Well! You have probably seen advertisements and links. The web hosts use your website for advertisements and earn from them.

Having discussed free web hosting, I want to inform you all about my web hosting services, which is for free and free of any advertisements.

Don’t you find it irritated with a web page filled with advertisements and pop-ups. While going through a web page, we often experience that some unwanted page pops up or am ad link is mistakenly clicked. This interrupts us and undoubtedly, all would like to avoid those ads and pop-ups.

What do We offer as a Web Host?

Zero Costing Hosting

Any NGO, non- profit organization for pets and animals and holy organizations such as a temple trust and society gets a free service for their website. As these are noble cause, we at Kumar Solutions are offering free web hosting for them. All non-government and non-profit organizations working for the upliftment of society are heartily welcome.

It’s absolutely free. You can use our web hosting services without having to pay anything. If you are running a:

  • NGO
  • Students
  • Non-profit organization
  • Trust
  • School
  • Chairty
  • Animal Welfare

If you comes under any one of the above category, only then it comes for free, otherwise use our paid web hosting services here.

No Set-up Fees

No Set- up fees is demanded. A lot of companies claim to provide free web hosting but they demand a set-up fee initially. Here, nothing is demanded. Also, you must have experienced that you might be asked to share your credit card or debit card details while setting up, though they claim no money will be deducted. You can be assured that you won’t have to give us any credential for this free service.

Quick Overview of Hosting Services

Sr. No. Specification Detail
1 Bandwidth (Monthly) 20 GB
2 Disk Space 1 GB
3 MySQL Database (for WordPress) 01
4 Email Accounts 02
5 FTP Account 01
6 Ads No

Along with free storage for your website, we have two email accounts for you, for free.

1) Free email-IDs

You will get 02 email ID

2) 1 Free FTP Account

The FTP or file transfer protocol is a small scale web hosting where files can be transferred on web.

3) 1 MySQL Database

We also give you one complementary database (SQL).

4) Host Static Website / WordPress 

We allow the web hosting of static websites, using HTML or PHP. We also offer web hosting for WordPress CMS based websites.

5) No Ads – Swear!!

No ads or pop-ups- Free web hosts often use advertisements and pop-ups to earn while using your website for that. We ensure that your website is completely free of such irritating advertisements. Only relevant web content is visible on your website.

6) 99.99% Server Up-time

Our server are 99.99% up and rarely goes down. So be assured that your website will remain online through the year.

Who would not want a website without interruption of advertisements and pop-ups, that too, for free? Attractive, isn’t it? Try it out then.. Users shall also find your website impressive when there are no ads or pop-ups and they can focus completely on the web content.

Fill Up Online Form or give a Call today to grab this offer.